Here are a few words from the Brunswick Women's Choir about their exciting performance at our Club:
In our showcase concert for 2017, the choir will bring you on a musical journey that reflects the joys, sorrows and triumphs of life. We are excited to perform songs that will will make you think, reflect, question and celebrate. Join us as we sing for a better world - because we can't keep quiet! Tickets $25 Full $18 Concession $10 Kids under 15 Under 5 is free As always, refer to our Club Events Calendar for time and location details.
October 2018
MLK CommitteeDr Rasa Ruseckaitė – pirmininkė (president)
Rimas Skeivys – vice pirmininkas (vice president) Paulius Petraitis – sekretorius (secretary) Ray Muceniekas – iždinininkas (treasurer) Viva Alekna – direktorius (director) MLK Valdybos elektroninis adresas: [email protected] |