Šeimos šventė — Family DayMLK norėtų visus pakviesti į Katalikių Moterų ir Socialinės Globos Moterų Draugijų organizuojamą Šeimos Šventę, kuri įvyks Gegužės 20d. 14.00 val Lietuvių Namuose, Jubiliejinėje salėje. Programoje numatytas koncertas, kuriame pasirodys įvairūs šokėjai, daininkai, skaitovai ir kiti atlikėjai. Po koncerto seks vaišės. MLK would like you to invite to the Family Day celebration, organized by “Katalikių Moterų ir Socialinės Globos Moterų Draugijos”. The celebrations will take place on Sunday, 2pm, 20th May at the Jubilee Hall. Everybody is welcome. Looking for RelativesMr Juozas Jankus is searching for relatives of his grandmother's father's friend - Vytautas Jurevičius, from Kaunas, Lithuania. Vytautas Jurevičius was an army officer before the war, and odontologist by training. Juozas read in some diaspora periodical that Vytautas Jurevičius passed away in Melbourne in 1961, leaving two daughters - Jadvyga and Halina, with families. The short notice also mentions that he was an organist in one of Melbourne's churches. As Juozas only has Vytautas’ daughters' maiden names to go by in his search, he find lost, and thought he would turn to the community in hope of further clues. Juozas would appreciate any help or suggestions on how to proceed with his search; therefore if you know anything, please do not hesitate to contact Juozas directly on his email: [email protected] MLK Virtuvės Kalendorius — Cooking Schedule (May-July 2018)
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October 2018
MLK CommitteeDr Rasa Ruseckaitė – pirmininkė (president)
Rimas Skeivys – vice pirmininkas (vice president) Paulius Petraitis – sekretorius (secretary) Ray Muceniekas – iždinininkas (treasurer) Viva Alekna – direktorius (director) MLK Valdybos elektroninis adresas: [email protected] |