UžuojautaMLK reiškia gilią užuojautą Lorettai Tigani ir jos šeimai neseniai mirus brangiam vyrui. Tegu ilsisi Jis ramybėje. Telydi Jus paguoda ir dvasios stiprybė šią sunkią netekties valandą. CondolencesMLK would like to express our deepest condelences to Tigani‘s family upon the passing of the beloved husband and father Charles. “There are things that we don't want to happen but have to accept, things we don't want to know but have to learn, and people we can't live without but have to let go.” -- Author Unknown Dovanos KlubuiMLK norėtų padėkoti Jono Šemeto dukrai už dovanas Klubui – įvairius lietuviškus medžio drožinius, paveikslus ir kitą lietuvišką atributiką. Jie bus eksponuojami Klubo antrame aukšte. Maloniai kviečiame visus apsilankyti. A Word of ThanksThe Club received variuos woodcraft, pictures and other Lithuanian artwork from Jonas Šemetas family. We would like to say a big thank you for this gift. The artwork will be exhibited on the second floor of the Lithuanian Club. Everybody is welcome to come and visit the exposition. Šeimos ŠventėMLK norėtų visus pakviesti į Katalikių Moterų ir Socialinės Globos Moterų Draugijų organizuojamą Šeimos Šventę, kuri įvyks Gegužės 21d. 14.00 val Lietuvių Namuose, Jubiliejinėje salėje. Programoje numatytas koncertas, kuriame pasirodys įvairūs šokėjai, daininkai, skaitovai ir kiti atlikėjai. Po koncerto seks vaišės. Family DayMLK would like you to invite to the Family Day celebration, organized by “Katalikių Moterų ir Socialinės Globos Moterų Draugijos”. The celebrations will take place on Sunday, 2pm, 21st May at the Jubilee Hall. Everybody is welcome. Klubo NarystėPrimename, kad susimokėti Klubo nario mokestį galite “Talkoje” arba Bibliotekoje. Jums bus išduota nauja nario kortelė (žr.žemiau). Klubo nariai keturis kartus į metus gaus pietus už dyką, galės pigiau pirkti gėrimus bare, ir taip pat išnuomoti Klubo patalpas minimaliomis kainomis. MembershipWe would like to remind everyone to please renew your memberships for 2016-2017 either at “Talka” or at the Library. Remember the benefits of membership – reduced drinks prices at the bar, free lunch four times a year and heavily discounted prices for hiring club premises for private functions. Kalendorius - EventsEvery Monday 6 - 8pm – Lithuanian language lessons Every Monday 7- 9pm – Kanklės rehearsals Every Tuesday 6.30-9pm – Choir rehearsals Every Tuesday 7- 9.30 pm – Gintaras dance rehearsals Every Sunday 10am - noon – Šokdava dance rehearsals Every second Sunday 11.30am – 1pm – Gintarėliai dance rehearsals Wednesday 10th May, 11am – 3pm SENIORS LUNCH Sunday 14 th May - SUNDAY LUNCH. Graži Lietuva Sunday 21st May - SUNDAY LUNCH. Soc Globos Draugija Sunday 28th May – SUNDAY LUNCH. Baltija Naudinga InformacijaFor all maintenance issues please contact Alfredas Augustinas. In the pigeon box, named “Alfredas” near the Club entrance you will find a book, where you can write down any Club maintenance issues. Kitchen manager - Mrs Brone Staugaitiene, Ph: 9842 5220. For all bookings and bar maintenance please contact Edita. Email: [email protected] Ph: 9328 1560 MLK Website – www.lithuanianclub.com Website administrator - Vytas Brazaitis. MLK KOMITETAS – MLK Committee Dr Rasa Ruseckaitė – pirmininkė (president)
Rimas Skeivys – vice pirmininkas (vice president) Paulius Petraitis – sekretorius (secretary) Ray Muceniekas – iždinininkas (treasurer) Viva Alekna – direktorius (director) MLK Valdybos elektroninis adresas: [email protected]
7/22/2024 23:39:52
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7/22/2024 23:40:35
If not for Baba Powers what would my life turn out to be? I want you all to please contact Baba Powers now to get the powerful black mirror from him. I want you all to also BELIEVE AND TRUST HIM because whatever he tells you is the TRUTH and 100% guaranteed. The black mirror makes it happen, attracts abundance. I bought the black mirror from Baba Powers and now, I am super rich and successful with the help of the black mirror. When I first saw the testimonies of Baba Powers of the black mirror, I thought it was a joke but I contacted him to be sure for myself and to my greatest surprise, the black mirror is real. The black mirror is powerful. Check him out on his website to see plenty of amazing testimonies from people about him. These are some of the people that he has helped. Here is his website; Babablackmirrorsofpowers.blogspot.com and here is his email; [email protected] I really can't thank you enough Baba Powers. God bless you, thank you, Thank you
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October 2018
MLK CommitteeDr Rasa Ruseckaitė – pirmininkė (president)
Rimas Skeivys – vice pirmininkas (vice president) Paulius Petraitis – sekretorius (secretary) Ray Muceniekas – iždinininkas (treasurer) Viva Alekna – direktorius (director) MLK Valdybos elektroninis adresas: [email protected] |