„FRINGE“ FESTIVALISKaip ir pernai, nuo rugsėjo 10-os iki spalio 1-os, taip ir šiais metais MLK patalpos (Teatras, Baro salė, Jubiliejinė salė, Jaunimo kambarys, Moterų kambarys ir Bendruomenės kambarys) bus ir vėl išnuomoti Fringe festivaliui. Tuo metu lietuvių organizacijos negalės naudotis šiomis patalpomis, todėl iš anksto atsiprašome už nepatogumus. Tačiau, kaip ir visada, biblioteka lauks skaitytojų ir šv. Mišios bei sekmadieniniai pietūs vyks tuo pačiu laiku. Melbourne "Fringe" FestivalMLK would like to inform that the Club will be unavailable for regular Lithuanian activities during 10 Sept – 1 Oct due to the Melbourne Fringe Festival. However you are more than welcome to visit the club as usual on Sundays. The library will be open and Sunday lunch will still be served, or you may like to attend some of the Fringe performances. For further information - www.melbournefringe.com Melbourne Georgian Choir and the Lost ClogLost Relative: Adomas IvanauskasDoes anyone in the community remember Adomas Ivanauskas and his wife Jean? (Please find some photos below) A granddaughter of Adomas who was born in Lithuania after he was forced to flee during World War II is looking for any information about the grandfather she never knew. Adomas Ivanauskas was born in Pazapsiai, Lithuania, in 1912. He was at one stage a Sergeant in the Lithuanian Army, but was forced to flee the advancing Soviets and lived in a Displaced Persons Camp in Lübeck, Germany. Adomas departed Bremenhaven, Germany, on October 30, 1947, and sailed to Fremantle, Western Australia aboard the GENERAL STUART HEINTZELMAN with a number of fellow Lithuanians, as well as some Latvians and Estonians (see attached passenger list). It is believed Adomas and Jean lived briefly in both Iron Knob and Adelaide, South Australia, before moving to Melbourne, Victoria. domas and Jean are both listed as living at 84 Elgin Street, Carlton, Victoria, in 1963. Adomai occupation was welder, and his wife Jean a process worker. Other Melbourne addresses the couple lived at were 12 Vaucluse Street, Richmond, and 18 Manton Street, Burnley. Adomas is believed to have died in 1967 in Karrakatta in Western Australia. If anyone from within the Lithuanian-Australian community remembers these names, or perhaps further information about their migration journey that could shed light on his life in Australia for his granddaughter, please contact genealogist Rachel Croucher of PHP Knowledge Network at [email protected] INFORMACIJA JAUNOMS MAMYTĖMSKviečiame visas jaunas lietuviškai kalbančias mamytes prisijungti prie naujai Facebook‘e sukurtos internetinės grupės: "LITHUANIAN PLAYGROUP IN MELBOURNE AU“ https://m.facebook.com/groups/487893504892842?ref=bookmarks Šioje grupėje galėsite pasidalinti savo paitirtimi apie vaikučių auginimą, rasite informacijos apie įvairius užsiėmimus vaikučiams, žaidimų grupes, pasivaikščiojimus ir kitos naudingos informacijos mamoms. LIETUVIŲ KALBOS PAMOKOSMLK visada laukia naujų studentų į Lietuvių kalbos pamokas pradedantiesiems ir jau pažengusiems. Pamokos vyksta pirmadienio vakarais Melburno Lietuvių Klube. Studentai gaus vadovėlius ir mokomą medžiagą. Daugiau informacijos: [email protected] LITHUANIAN LANGUAGE CLASSESMLK always welcomes new students to join Lithuanian language lessons for beginners and advanced. Lessons are held every Monday at the Club. All books and teaching material are provided. Contact: [email protected] KALENDORIUS — SEPTEMBER EVENTS
MLK KOMITETAS – MLK COMMITTEEDr Rasa Ruseckaitė – pirmininkė (president)
Rimas Skeivys – vice pirmininkas (vice president) Paulius Petraitis – sekretorius (secretary) Ray Muceniekas – iždinininkas (treasurer) Viva Alekna – direktorius (director) MLK Valdybos elektroninis adresas: [email protected][email protected]
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If not for Baba Powers what would my life turn out to be? I want you all to please contact Baba Powers now to get the powerful black mirror from him. I want you all to also BELIEVE AND TRUST HIM because whatever he tells you is the TRUTH and 100% guaranteed. The black mirror makes it happen, attracts abundance. I bought the black mirror from Baba Powers and now, I am super rich and successful with the help of the black mirror. When I first saw the testimonies of Baba Powers of the black mirror, I thought it was a joke but I contacted him to be sure for myself and to my greatest surprise, the black mirror is real. The black mirror is powerful. Check him out on his website to see plenty of amazing testimonies from people about him. These are some of the people that he has helped. Here is his website; Babablackmirrorsofpowers.blogspot.com and here is his email; [email protected] I really can't thank you enough Baba Powers. God bless you, thank you. Yes
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October 2018
MLK CommitteeDr Rasa Ruseckaitė – pirmininkė (president)
Rimas Skeivys – vice pirmininkas (vice president) Paulius Petraitis – sekretorius (secretary) Ray Muceniekas – iždinininkas (treasurer) Viva Alekna – direktorius (director) MLK Valdybos elektroninis adresas: [email protected] |